“Girls In Black” is a gorgeous new track from Modern Leisure, a recently formed indie-pop/folk-rock project led by Casey Banker (Shady Elders, The Don’ts and Be Carefuls) in addition to a variety of Denver music veterans. They’re a project “that features illicit tales of hedonism and heartbreak under the guise of lush guitars and a hodgepodge of warm melodies.” The wonderful “Girls In Black” is the project’s second single, propelled by a hook-y falsetto chorus and glockspiel-lifted melody. Add the soaring guitar solo into the mix, as well as the chorus’ generally brilliant melodic maneuvering, and you have an extremely strong track. Can’t wait to hear more from Modern Leisure.
Modern Leisure – “Girls In Black”
by Mike Mineo
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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