The brother-sister duo Twelve Ballet show their captivating atmospheric power on new track “This City”, released this week. If their gorgeous vocal interplay and delicate arrangements sound familiar, it’s because they were known as the previously featured Gilder Pilots, before a name change. With a new project name, the duo of Benjamin and Samantha Hope continue their entrancing, rainy-day magic, with “The City” showing a quaint sound with creeping effectiveness, especially as the nocturnal guitar twangs come into play after the two-minute mark over the vocals, with Samantha’s vocal tone being particularly hypnotic. This is an atmospheric success once again from Australian duo Twelve Ballet, formerly known as Gilder Pilots.
Twelve Ballet – “This City”
by Mike Mineo
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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