The Los Angeles duo of Monica da Silva and Chad Alger comprise Complicated Animals, who debuted with their 6-song EP In This Game in 2015, drawing praise from NPR and PopMatters. Since then, the duo have been working on new material, culminating in new single “Show Me”, inspired by lush and dreamy pop songs from the ’80s, with a particular affinity for David Lynch. Although the track’s bouncy and buzzing chorus is probably a bit too upbeat for Lynchian darkness, the track’s atmosphere certainly works in a dark, chilling vein with the backing vocal production and suaveness of the verses.
“Show Me is one of those songs that just came out quickly and easily,” says da Silva. “I’d had the melody and the lyrics (Show me that you want me) stuck in my head for a few days. That really struck me as an intense, sexy idea for a song. Chad dug an old synthesizer we had out of the closet. We started stacking sounds and layering vocals. Virtually all of the sounds in the track were created using the same synth.”