Why Music and Audio Play a Critical Role in Marketing

Music has played a significant role in brand recognition. Since television was invented, advertisements became more memorable because of the songs or ‘jingles’ used by the brand. Indeed, music affects our memory in a unique way. And if you are a smart marketer, you will capitalize on music the same way many well-known brands did and still do today.

Why is music integral to how we experience things?

Music, in itself, is a language which our brain perceives and interprets. As such, it means that every person experiences music differently. Music is also responsible for creating an emotional response. We feel a sense of connection or nostalgia, for example, to a song we have loved in our youth. And, the more positive emotions are invoked by these songs, the more it remains in our memory.

Brands like Coca Cola and Apple have been quite successful in choosing the right song that their customers will remember. That is why branding and music work hand in hand. While you may think that music only matters for big advertising campaigns, you can also apply the same principle to marketing the best online slots on a gaming site, for example. It does not matter how significant the campaign, what matters here is that you evoke a positive experience through music which will eventually translate into brand recognition.

Audio remains an integral aspect of marketing

While consumer behaviour continues to evolve as influenced by today’s digital technology, one thing remains the same – that is the importance of incorporating audio in marketing campaigns. Since online media and video content are becoming the primary tools to engage customers, it goes without saying that music is an integral part of this strategy. According to a study conducted by Nielsen, consumers who listen to radio commercials have 35% more awareness of the campaign than those who merely watched the same ad on television.

Marketers today are not only keen to invest in high-quality video content but are also willing to spend the same amount in audio production. Indeed, if you want your brand to remain competitive, music and audio should be on top of your marketing strategies list.

How to pick the right musical accompaniment for your marketing campaign

Consistency in using audio elements or music turns a marketing campaign into a branded content where the visuals and sound work together in forming the company’s identity. As such, a critical step in the process is selecting the right music, which will help positively relay the campaign’s message. To do so, there is a specific set of guidelines that marketers follow.

For most consumers, music or audio usually connects with past or present emotions and experiences. If for example, you are creating a campaign for an eco-friendly brand, the best audio choices include folk or classical music. In contrast, electronic sounds are usually associated with tech brands. In addition to creating brand recognition, music also helps in advocating a cause, an idea, or a lifestyle choice.

Indeed, marketers must continue recognizing the importance of audio and music in producing a successful advertising campaign. With this, the music industry remains fueled with the need for customized and localized options that suit a variety of clientele.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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