Icarus Phoenix – “Cassie Knows, or How a shy person says I love you”


Icarus Phoenix melds breezy rock and folk with engaging results on the track “Cassie Knows, or How a shy person says I love you.” Drew Danburry’s songwriting fully impresses, especially upon the cathartic chorus: “But it’s alright, cause we can’t fight the features we’re left with, even if they’re shit.” Backing organs throughout the final minute add harmoniously amidst multiple vocal layers, bringing this enjoyable track to a satisfying close. The track comes via Icarus Phoenix’s self-titled album, and also includes the superb music video, featuring Danburry’s hand-drawn animations.

Look for more singles from the project in the coming months, with an album release scheduled for September.

Danburry elaborates more on the track’s inspirations below:

“I was playing background music in a coffee shop when someone offered their unsolicited advice, which was something along the lines of “don’t give up”.

Which made me want to give up.

Or at least question what I am doing with my life.

I remembered a time when I was in my youth when I was attending a youth church experience and 4 young men were going around singing harmonious acapella songs to the young women. They approached our group of friends and after they walked away, Cassie mentioned how they were so romantic but that she wished they weren’t so ugly.

The above experiences inspired this song.”

“Cassie Knows, or How a shy person says I love you” and other memorable tracks from this month can also be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of April 2021’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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