A mish-mashing of pop and electro-rock, “ELECTRIC VIBES” is an intriguing new track from Melbourne-based band Chained Lizard. Their eclectic approach is evident in the first minute. Radio-centric pop dramatics appear initially, the vocals echoing a more delicate pull. The sudden twist to a thumping rock sound plays with fervency; the “into the heart of me,” lead-in to the “you turn my world around and back up again,” rise is especially catching. The “through my veins tonight,” rise past the mid-point plays with an especially electric vigor, the scorching guitar tones and pulsing percussion making for an arena-sized bundle of energy. “ELECTRIC VIBES” that’s enjoyably forceful in its eclectic structure and knack for tonal shifts.
The band elaborate more on the track’s creative process, below:
As a band we enjoy writing about the human condition and experiences that we can all relate to. In these crazy times, bringing people together through our commonalities is something that we strive for. “ELECTRIC VIBES” came together very organically as we were discussing the feelings being around the ones we like. If there is any silver lining to lockdown it’s that with all this extra time in the studio we have been able to produce our most technical and ambitious song so far. We think our existing and new audience will really enjoy this track as it is an amalgamation of styles of our first 2 releases. It begins very isolated and delicate and builds to a thumping upbeat and catchy electric vibe.
“ELECTRIC VIBES” and other memorable tracks from October can also be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of October 2021’ Spotify playlist.