Kathleen Russo – “Dance of Redemption”

A stirring display in songwriting from Kathleen Russo, “Dance of Redemption” struts a charismatic array of piano, brass, and rhythms — resulting in a triumphant-sounding success. The glistening, vibrant release continues the artist’s return from a 20-year hiatus, with technology aiding Russo in crafting this new batch of songs. The NYC music scene veteran succeeds with a melodic, aptly danceable sound on “Dance of Redemption.”

The genre-defying songwriter engages with an eclectic pop blend on “Dance of Redemption,” moving with a peppy piano-fronted exuberance into brass-y shimmering. A steady rhythm section persists throughout, simmering as a bright organ hits approaching the two-minute turn. A climactic fervency shows throughout, with the brisk culmination of instruments resulting in a satiating finale. We’re excited to keep tuned into Russo’s return.

This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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