New Tracks

Ian the Idiot – “Coffin”

Traversing enjoyably from lofty ambitions to a coffin-set eventuality, “Coffin” is the new single from Ian the Idiot, an artist from Los Angeles. Twangy guitars and underlying acoustics conjure a debonair quality,

The Beautiful Fear – “Back to England”

A track out today from UK singer/songwriter The Beautiful Fear, “Back to England” recounts a harrowing personal experience amidst moody guitars and organ-laden backing, rising into fervent doses of guitar distortion in

Honeysucker – “Honeydeux”

Conveying a smitten adoration amidst a hooky rock vigor, “Honeydeux” is a catching new single from Honeysucker. The Brooklyn-based band shows a bursting pop and rock meshing, singing “I can’t get your

Hairpin – “Rearrange”

NYC band Hairpin impresses with their sixth single “Rearrange,” representing the second song of a five-track EP, out this fall. Initially written as an acoustic ballad, “Rearrange” expanded into an enjoyably fervent

Kitchenette – “If I Can Dance”

New single “If I Can Dance” marks a consuming return for Kitchenette, a 5-piece band whose previous release came in 2020 with the album Morning Pirouettes. Fronted by Chris O. Kikic, the

Lonely Gimmick – “Roll Me Over”

“Roll Me Over” balances hooky immediacy and heartrending introspection, marking a sturdy success from UK artist Lonely Gimmick. The single reflects poignantly on a “relationship’s aftermath,” — interspersing reminders that things will

Glenna Jane – “Playing Dead”

Brooklyn-based artist Glenna Jane unveils a nostalgic, emotive alt-rock sound on the new single “Playing Dead,” asking “am I pre-disposed to be alone?” amidst dynamic guitars — compellingly vulnerable in re-tracings of

wht.rbbt.obj – “Love On Hold”

“Love On Hold” is a fervent rock success from wht.rbbt.obj (“White Rabbit Object”), representing the latest single from the Chicago-based band. Initially formed as a side project of married couple Frank and

New Albums

Army Of Sleep – ‘Metanoia’

A haunting, immersive ambient journey takes hold throughout Metanoia:Aporia, the new two-disc album from Army Of Sleep. Rooted in Newcastle, Australia, the


Odelet – ‘Pisces Pie’

Singer/songwriter, producer, and visual artist Odelet presents a gripping sound across her new album, Pisces Pie. Lush vocal entrancement navigates across soundscapes
