The Best Albums of 2008


by Mike Mineo

Albums #01 to #10

Albums #11 to #20

Albums #21 to #30

Albums #31 to #40

Albums #41 to #50

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

Send your music to [email protected].


  1. Completely unrelated to this post, but I was trying to think of a band I heard on here along time ago but I can’t remember the name… It was something like Nick Jana maybe? He had a song called Maryanne I think… Anyway, thanks in advance!

  2. I notice that you have not included The British Columbians. It’s one of the best albums you introduced me to this year. Odd.

  3. The British Columbians’ album was definitely great as well. It is one of those handful of albums that missed the cut just barely. I may write a feature when I resume updates in January concerning such albums.

  4. Thank you for posting these. I found some interesting new music and they made it easier for me to decide what to spend my iTunes gift cards on.

  5. Gah! I only looked at the top ten and I just spent $40 on itunes! There’s so much good music, sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. I had brushed off the hype on Fleet Foxes as unjustified, but now that I’ve listened to it, I get it. It’s amazing. πŸ™‚

  6. I’m kinda surprised Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s isn’t on here. Animal! was one of my favorite albums of the year.

  7. AH this is amazing.
    Thank you so much. I’ve found so much new and wonderful music thanks to this blog πŸ˜€

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