“I Can Have It All” is the striking debut single from Two Birds One, a duo comprised of multi-instrumentalists Michael and Shoota, who met whilst playing in bands Aquila Young and TH’FIKA. They show some wonderfully hypnotic psych-pop chops on the track. The verses resemble a gorgeously languid form of alternative-pop, while the primary hook ascends into more striking psych-pop territory, the soaring vocals and exotic whirlwind of woodwind-like evolution reminding fondly of Panda Bear’s solo work. It’s an excellent success on its own, and as the debut single for the project it shows one full of potential and talent.
Two Birds One – “I Can Have It All”
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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