“Take Me Home” is a peppy new electro-pop track from Lazro and Travis Gibb, a Miami-based production duo that do well in audibly replicating the city’s abundance of warm summer nights. Läzro (Lazaro Rodriguez) and Travis Gibb do great in incorporating excellent vocals – here from Kyra B – into a sound that’s polished and melodically accessible and ripe for dance-friendly remixing. The “turn around and take me home” bridge builds very nicely into the stutter-y vocal effect in the hook, infectious and danceable to a tee. And yes, Travis is the son of Bee Gee Barry Gibb.
Lazro and Travis Gibb – “Take Me Home”
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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