“GET DOWN” is a striking track from Cleveland natives TyC and Curly Chuck, featuring ample structural and tonal variation alongside a playful and charismatic vocal delivery. TyC, who first established himself as a member of the band Carousel, merges classic hip-hop with an idiosyncratic and modern shine. He produced, mixed, and wrote the hook with frequent collaborator Sonny Step, whose vocals soar in the final chorus. At 02:32 long, the track is fairly brief, though chock-full of successful maneuvers — especially in the vocal intensity rise-up around 01:30, showing a form of intensity that most MCs can’t touch. A charismatic vocal presence combines with perky, exuberant beats for a strongly memorable hip-hop track.
TyC Feat. Curly Chuck – “GET DOWN”
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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