Why Is Music So Important for Your Motivation?

Can you increase your motivation by listening to music? Since the 1950s, scientists have looked to uncover the secrets behind Neuromusicology, studying the benefits of music and how our nervous system reacts to it.

Perhaps you listen to music while you work out. Maybe you like to keep your cool during a hot streak. Everyone can benefit from music, but how does music affect the brain? Let’s find out.

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Reduce Stress and Fatigue

Have you ever tried listening to music while studying? Or listened to a few songs on the way home from a long day at work? Music can help you rid yourself of distractions and overthinking. We all have routines in our everyday life. These routines can cause your brain to become tired and fatigued.

So how does music affect your brain? Research shows that music helps alleviate the fatigue caused by monotonous routines. By adding music into your everyday routines, they become new and fresh. With this new perspective, your productivity increases. 

Instead of overthinking, you become engrossed in your new task, forgetting about that terrible day at the office.

Increase Stimulation

These days it’s almost impossible to think of exercising without music. Waking up in the morning and finding the energy to embark on a run is a challenge in itself. Pop those earphones in, though, and suddenly you feel ready to take on the road. So how does music affect your mood in this way?

Music helps bridge the gap between your auditory and motor neurons. This bridge helps stimulate your body both physically and mentally. That’s why music helps your body feel more agile and motivated to move. 

Research has shown how music therapy can even stimulate a workforce. The therapy has shown increases in both productivity and job satisfaction. 

Scientists found, by using different genres of music, that some music can increase a plant’s growth rate.

Motivation and Coordination

Coordination and music often go hand-in-hand. Take a dancer of any type, for example. The movements directly link to the music, keeping to the beat and rhythm of a song. 

Another great example of this occurs in the gym. Working out drains your body, especially when first starting. Gyms and personal trainers often use music to keep a fitness class in sync, by matching the movements from the workout to the beat. Not only does this help you work out better, but it also makes the experience more enjoyable. 

Music and motivation research doesn’t stop there. Research has shown how music can help improve self-esteem too. People suffering from poor self-esteem benefit from music. It helps determine and set your values on particular matters. It can also help motivate you to tackle a complicated challenge in your life.

Relaxation and Concentration

If you’ve ever tried meditation, you would know just how important music can be. For centuries humans have used music as a stress reliever. Not all music obviously, you won’t exactly find a temple blasting rock ‘n’ roll.

Music used for relaxation uses particular frequencies, believed to help bring out certain emotions, such as happiness and peace. Music also acts as a distraction from your thoughts and everyday noises. This helps you concentrate and push away negative thoughts and emotions while staying in the moment.    


There is no doubt music is a powerful tool in our lives.  It can change your mindset, helping you become the positive and motivated person you aim to be.


I listen to and write about music!

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