Matt Saxton – “Take It Or Leave It”


A resonating, personal piece of songwriting from Matt Saxton, “Take It Or Leave It” represents the first single from the UK-based artist’s upcoming album. He describes the release as “about the challenge of keeping a long relationship going over the years.” “Take It Or Leave It” continues a strong stretch of releases from Saxton, who caught our ears in 2022 with the album It’s Only Now That I Know and again last year with the single “Freedom.”

Retrospective vocals ruminate amidst stately piano, referencing old photographs and stark realizations: “Nobody told us that the day would come, where we couldn’t recognize the people that we become.” The title-referencing hook arises thereafter with percussive ardency, lamenting “it’s all we got,” with haunting vocal harmonizing. Aspirations to “get back,” send chills into an illuminated piano drive, culminating in an impactful conclusion within the hypnotic central refrain and a final look back into the past, when the story had just begun.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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