Chris Corner, of more prominent fame with Sneaker Pimps, has been at it for years with a solo project called IamX. His latest album under IamX, The Alternative, was released in May.
For those of you not aware of the dark electronic/rock sound of IamX, sample the two songs below. Citing influenes of The Rapture, Insomnia, and Berlin, for me, don’t quite do justice to the the hard, pacing rhythm created by Corner.
Frankly, it’s amazing that IamX has not recieved much buzz. Maybe because IamX is not “indie” enough?
Excellent album, as Kiss + Swallow and all Chris Corner discography with Sneaker Pimps and the Ost of Les Chevaliers du Ciel.
Excellent Artist, amazing talent, I love his personality, his style, his energy, how he lives his music and songs, his lyrics, etc…
If you don’t know him, that the moment to change this “mistake” lol
^*^ Elfie-Witch ^*^ or Ness χ
The Alternative…
Erinnert sich noch jemand an die SNEAKER PIMPS? Ja, nein, weiss nicht!?
Zumindest wird Chris Corner, seines Zeichens Frontmann dieser Combo, nicht müde darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Band noch existieren würde. Allerdings meldet er sich nun …
hey, i saw a cool interview with IAMX on this site really cool. i love flasher!
I had opened IamX for me a year ago on Maxidrom Festival in Moscow. That was gorgeous!!! His music&performances are amazing, he’s really a god in his kind!
if this is “drunk funk”, i don’t ever want to get sober 🙂 Chris Corner changed my life forever
One of the most amazing artists I have ever heard in my entire life. Talk about stirring up emotions you didn’t even know you had!!! I can’t say enough about Chris and don’t think I’ll ever be quite the same after hearing The Alternative. You just want to absorb it into our soul and again and again. I can’t get enough of this CD.