Cloud Nothings released an animated video for "Stay Useless", a highlight off their excellent album Attack on Memory, released in January.
Hot Chip – Night And Day Hot Chip made their new single, “Night and Day”, available for streaming last week. The track premiered on
We already got a peek at The Walkmen’s seventh LP, Heaven, and its self-titled track on Monday. Here's a radio rip of another track
Jump the Shark craft slick, high-energy garage-rock with smatterings of classic-rock and blues, like if The Black Keys collided with raunchier summoners of nostalgia
The ceaseless, in-your-face delivery of Sacramento-based Death Grips can be intimidating; at times it sounds like an angry man spurting incoherently in your face, as
The infectiously upbeat "Aleas" borders on bubblegum-pop, though its hip-hop and Afro-pop influences are hardly hidden. It would fit extraordinarily on the Jet Set
MP3: Please Dance Hell Bear – My MP3: Please Dance Hell Bear – Blind Despite such an interesting name, Please Dance Hell Bear don’t provide fans
Producers like Clams Casino and Silky Johnson craft hypnotic beats that reek of warm nostalgia and a drug-induced numbness. Another up and coming name
The Walkmen's seventh LP, Heaven, will be released June 5th via Fat Possum/Bella Union. One of its tracks, "Heaven", premiered today. It will sound
In addition to DJ sets by Tennessee Thomas and Jarvis Cocker, The Virgins played live at the after-party for Jesse Frohman’s Kurt Cobain exhibit, which