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Throw in the electronic ingenuity of The Knife, the diverse melodic styles of Stereolab, and the sheer synth accessibility of Gary Numan into a

The Cat Empire

The Cat Empire are one of those bands that makes you want to explore every music genre imaginable. Aptly put, they take from almost


I have been hearing good things about Canasta for some time now, so when I recieved their debut full-length, We Were Set Up, in

Petticoat, Petticoat

Though Petticoat, Petticoat are originally from one of the few largely populated cities in Kentucky (Lexington), the band somehow manages to create the dramatic

Ian MacKaye and The Evens

Ian MacKaye’s major influence on hardcore punk is often overlooked, with his label (Dischord Records) being one of the longest running punk labels during

A few new singles…

I don’t what it is about Fall, but it seems that every time it comes around, a handful of very impressive singles are released.

Aussie Bands Taking Over!

Who doesn’t love pandas? Unless you bite one, they are lovable gentle giants (most of the time). The Panda Band initially sound to be

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