The Book Of Knots

The Book Of Knots. Even the name sounds complexing, with the music not being much different. I suppose you could call the New York-based

Best Albums of 2006: #10 to #01

———————————————————————————————- 10. Jarvis Cocker – Jarvis The definition of the word “witty” is generally defined as one who combines clever conception and facetious expression,

Best Albums of 2006: #20 to #11

———————————————————————————————- 20. Band of Horses – Everything All the Time The first time I heard Band of Horses, there was one immediate comparison that

Best Albums of 2006: #30 to #21

———————————————————————————————- 30. Destroyer – Destroyer’s Rubies Dan Bejar has one of the music unique voices in indie rock. It’s also one of the most

The acoustic duo of Easy Tiger

Many acoustic-based duos can be easy to write off. Complaints of overused musical elements and generic melodies are some mainstream staples that acoustic artists

Red Riders

Another consecutive day featuring two Australian bands in a row. I’m not sure why it is so sudden, but 2006 has really been a