From their musical style, it is easy to tell that the members of The Antiques have great respect for classic rock musicians, ranging from
I find it interesting how often the synth fad fades in and out over the years. A few years ago, any band using it
When The Fucks were sitting in a circle deciding what the name of their band should be, I don’t think the thought of possible
For some bands, it was a shame that the early 90s were completely absorbed in the grunge movement. Jellyfish were one of them, as
It has been eight years since Sean Lennon released his debut album, Into the Sun. The album had several faults, as it didn’t flow
People go to Lollapalooza only to check their e-mail… surprising? Nah. Researchers are blaming music for the increase in teen sex, even though the
In the midst of the British punk explosion in the late 70s, every one of those risin bands seemed to have at least one
Will Oldham has collaborated with a large group of other musicians, such as Johnny Cash, PJ Harvey, David Pajo, and David Berman (Silver Jews).
For some reason, classical music was something that I never found myself particulary involved with. Sure, I don’t mind songs from the likes of