Cass McCombs – Humor Risk (2011)

Cass McCombs’ second full-length of 2011, Humor Risk, is an ace-in-the-hole for anyone arguing that McCombs’ delivery is “classic”, as in a singer-songwriting with

California Condors

California Condors are a blast of west coast flavor.  The four-piece tout infectious melodies and memorable lyrical quips containing a bevy of nostalgia, making

Jethro Fox

The wonderfully named Jethro Fox, originally born in Essex but now based in Liverpool, is creating a sound influenced by ‘60s pop, nostalgic both

Cass McCombs – Wit’s End (2011)

Cass McCombs’ fifth full-length, Wit’s End, is a natural progression. His early material showcased an infatuation for intricately produced psych-rock, never becoming indulgent enough