Julius Airwave

There are certain demographics that believe robots will take over within the next few centuries. As absurd as those scientologists and other controversial groups

00 The Rabbit

The oddly titled 00 The Rabbit (Double Zero: The Rabbit) is the musical project of Russell Brooks, a native of Morgantown, Kentucky who was

Mezzanine Owls

The uniquely titled Mezzanine Owls hail from the Los Angeles area, embracing their current local scene with atmospherically enjoyable rock songs layered with reverb,

The Dark Romantics

Sitcom writers should pay attention to the story of The Dark Romantics. Eric Collins and Dean Paul are the head songwriters and good friends.

Best Albums of 2006: #10 to #01

———————————————————————————————- 10. Jarvis Cocker – Jarvis The definition of the word “witty” is generally defined as one who combines clever conception and facetious expression,

Best Albums of 2006: #20 to #11

———————————————————————————————- 20. Band of Horses – Everything All the Time The first time I heard Band of Horses, there was one immediate comparison that

Best Albums of 2006: #30 to #21

———————————————————————————————- 30. Destroyer – Destroyer’s Rubies Dan Bejar has one of the music unique voices in indie rock. It’s also one of the most

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