Son Lux’s Secret Weapon

Classical training is generally regarded as a positive influence on pop music. No one wishes to restrain ideas that originate from the theoretical intricacies

Blair Dies Young, Lives Old

In one of New Orleans’ few instances where sports reigned over music, the super bowl has cast many into a week-long, universalized hangover. It

jj – jj n° 3 (2010)

Hugely anticipated follow-ups are prone to being rush jobs. After last year's acclaim, many wonder whether jj's newest album will appear triumphant or weakly

Citay’s Dream Get Together

It seems ironic how the age of “hippies” coincided with some of the most groundbreaking usages of production in music. In an era associated

Dumas Traces Success

Canada holds notability for its bilingualism and multiculturalism in addition to their thriving music scene, which itself certainly benefits from this rich diversity. Malajube,