Sire… from Montreal?

Sire would have blended in perfectly with the Brit-pop invasion of the mid 90s. Even though the band is from Montreal, their British influences

Mixel Pixel

Throw in the electronic ingenuity of The Knife, the diverse melodic styles of Stereolab, and the sheer synth accessibility of Gary Numan into a

Yunyu: Sweet & Scary

In Chinese, “yunyu” means “beautiful rhythms”. When the mother of Australian popstress Yunyu gave her that symbolic name, she must have had musical intentions

The 80s Never Die

Some bands just sound better when it’s raining outside. This is a fact, particulary in mind of those dark and moody bands of the

Petticoat, Petticoat

Though Petticoat, Petticoat are originally from one of the few largely populated cities in Kentucky (Lexington), the band somehow manages to create the dramatic